Saturday, September 27, 2008

How the cure acne at home

« ...Having too much coffee- Yes this is one of the major reasons why some people simply never get rid of acne and it starts getting worse with time. You see there are people out there who are so addicted to coffee that they find it extremely hard to get away from it and can't even start their mornings without a cup of coffee. Make it a point to drink a lot of water when you wake up instead of coffee....
...People who have the skin disease acne are always on the look out for some natural cures. The main reason for this is because generally natural cures carry on side effects unlike some prescribed over-the-counter drug product. There are many aspects that need to be taken into consideration when curing cystic acne with natural cures....»
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«...In the next few years it is expected that incyclinide could be added to the menu of oral medications used to treat acne and acne rosacea. A modified tetracycline, it is currently in its second phase of clinical trials and it looks likely that it will provide another effective alternative to antibiotic treatments....»
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tags: how long does it take sotret to work on acne, persistant acne on breast chest, can birth control pills help acne

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